To cancel your account:
Web app users:
1. Log into your Avatar account.
2. Click on the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen
3. Click on Settings
4. Click on Account
5. Click on Cancel Subscription
6. Fill out cancellation survey.
7. When finished, click Submit.
iOS users
Please follow these instructions to cancel your subscription on your iTunes account: Apple Instructions
Android users
Please follow these instructions to cancel your subscription on your Google account: Google Play Instructions
After you’ve cancelled your account, you’ll still have full access to your Avatar profile until the end of your current billing period. That means you can keep weighing in, and the system will continue to adjust until your billing runs out.
Did you know...
That you have access to a real, live team of dedicated coaches who honestly want to help? If you're interested in reaching out to them before canceling, click the "Contact Us" link above the search bar in the help section of the Avatar website. (To get to the help section, just click on the question mark bubble on the homepage.)