You can’t use Avatar Nutrition during pregnancy because the system wasn’t developed with this end in mind.
During the course of your pregnancy you’ll need extra calories to support your growing baby, and you’ll also need to gain weight. That being the case, the weight loss and maintenance goals certainly wouldn’t be appropriate for you, and neither would the reverse diet or muscle gain goals.
Even though you’re allowed to gain a certain amount of weight on the reverse diet goal and expected to gain a certain amount of weight on the muscle gain goal, there’s a limit to the amount of weight that the system will let you gain each week before freezing or dropping your macros.
You’re growing another human inside of you and some weeks you might gain only a little bit of weight, and other weeks you might gain quite a lot. It would be a very bad thing if you gained this necessary weight and the system told you to eat less food (since it would automatically assume the extra weight is fat gain).
So, if you’re pregnant, put your program on hold. You may return to using it once you’ve had your baby and have been cleared by your doctor.
For questions about using Avatar during breastfeeding, click here.