Food and social events often go hand-in-hand. But this doesn’t mean you should avoid that night out on the town with friends, or that you should bring pre-portioned food in a Tupperware container to your family gathering.

Instead, to hit your macros, you’ll need to plan around the event using these two strategies:

  1. Save up on fat and carbs

Food served at most social events is loaded with fat and carbs and low in protein. Think about it—when was the last time you were showered with lean meat options at a birthday party? More likely, your choices were limited to Doritos, fatty dips, cake, and sugary punch.

Knowing this, you’ll want to skimp on fat and carbs early in the day leading up to the event, while prioritizing protein intake. Eating most of your protein before the event will help prevent ravenous hunger, while still allowing you to save the bulk of your calories for the event.

  1. Make the day of your social event a" high calorie" day using the high/low day feature

If you know you’re going to a bachelorette party Saturday night or want to enjoy a weekend of day drinking with friends, plan to give yourself higher calories on these days using the" high/low day" feature. This will lower your recommended baseline calories on the event-free days, while giving you higher calories to enjoy your Saturday or weekend rendezvous. 

Speaking of bachelorette parties and weekend here to learn more about how to track alcohol. Additionally, to get some hacks for eating out while Flexible dieting click here.