Avatar Nutrition is a software that prescribes weekly macronutrient recommendations, not one-size-fits-all meal plans. Therefore, you can meet your macro recommendations eating plant-based foods and still use the Avatar System. 

Keep in mind that if you’re vegan and don’t eat any animal products whatsoever, your protein targets with Avatar will be higher than if you were a vegetarian eating some animal products (like dairy or eggs). This is because animal protein is more bioavailable and is higher in branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) than plant-protein. Therefore, to have the same impact on muscle growth and preservation, vegans will need to eat more protein overall.

That being said, with fewer protein-rich foods to choose from, those on a plant-based diet may have somewhat more difficulty hitting their protein targets than those eating animal products. 

Vegetarians can always turn to protein bars and powders to meet their recommendations, as well as dairy-based foods such as milk, cheese, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and ready-to-drink shakes. For ideas on how you can hit your protein targets using only plant-based products, click here.

If you are vegetarian, vegan, or even gluten-free, make sure to set that up in Avatar as a diet restriction. When you do this, your foods in the Suggested Foods list and the preloaded recipes will filter to show only options that fit those restrictions. This will also ensure that you are getting proper protein goals set.