You can use the Protein Boost feature to give yourself slightly more protein than Avatar Nutrition recommends. This is convenient for those who want to take advantage of the metabolism-boosting and satiety benefits gained by eating more protein, or for those who just enjoy eating high-protein foods. To keep your daily calories the same, the Protein Boost feature will substitute one gram of carbs for each gram of protein you add to your target.

To use or edit the Protein Boost feature:

1) Log into your Avatar account

2) Open the main menu 

3) Go to Diet Settings

4) Choose Protein Boost 

5) Drag the slider to increase or decrease your protein target. When finished, click the Update Button to save your changes

***Note: Increasing your protein target won’t enable you to preserve or build more muscle than you would if you were to follow Avatar Nutrition’s initial protein recommendations, but it will allow you to take advantage of protein’s greater thermogenic effect and ability to fill you up while dieting. It can also help you better stick to your diet if you simply prefer more protein.