The high/low day feature allows you to set higher calories on certain days, taking your average weekly calories and redistributing them based on your preference. The number of days you select and how high you set your calories depends on the reason you’re using the feature to begin with.
The following are the most common reasons to set higher calorie days:
Workouts and athletic events
Some people prefer to have slightly higher macro targets on all the days that they exercise, while others like to have a significant boost on days centered around more extreme workouts (such as the dreaded "leg day"). It may also be beneficial for athletes to select a higher macro target on the day of an energy draining competition.
Social events
If you know there is a date night, office party, wedding, or any other social event where food is served, you can bet that will be an easy day to go over your baseline macro targets. Selecting a pre-planned increase for these occasions is a stress-saving strategy that will keep you on track.
Refeed days
A refeed day once or twice per week may give you an added edge in helping to keep your metabolism from slowing down while on a fat loss setting. They can also provide psychological relief as something to look forward to on lower calorie days. When choosing two refeed days, space them out by a few days for best results.