Everyone struggles with compliance from time to time, and flexible dieting doesn’t require perfection to get you to your goals. But if you can’t seem to stick to your macros week after week, and the frustration of often being out of range is driving you crazy, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier, increase adherence, and help you reach your goal faster.

1. Use the Daily Adjustments feature

Remember that an In Range check-in means being within range on AVERAGE throughout the course of the entire week. So, if you were 30 over your carbs on one day and 30 under the next, you’d average out perfectly! 

It’s easy to compensate for one “off” day by making it up another day, and you can even have the system do this for you by using our Daily Adjustments feature.

The Daily Adjustments feature sets new macros for you each day based on what you’ve actually tracked. So if you go over or under your targets, the macros will automatically be adjusted for the following day to keep you within the compliant range. You won’t have to do the math yourself, and this makes hitting your weekly average much easier! Keep in mind that this feature only moves carbs and fat day to day, so hitting your protein in range is still important each day.

2. Make sure you’ve chosen the right goal. 

If your metabolism is slow, your calories are low, and you’re on an aggressive weight Loss goal, then it’s no wonder you’re feeling hungry all the time. On the flip side, if you’re following an aggressive muscle gain setting and just can’t stomach more food, you’ll be hard-pressed to keep hitting your macros. 

Picking the right goal is key. Sometimes, that can mean accepting that the progress you need will come slower than the progress you want. Less-aggressive settings like weight loss with fewer pounds required to be lost per week, or muscle gain with less weight gain per week,  would serve you better. Or it might mean switching your short-term focus entirely. If you’re on weight loss and are constantly fighting the urge to binge, then it’s probably time to switch to a reverse diet setting. If you’re on the wrong path, it’s going to be hard to follow, no matter how committed you are.

3. Set High/Low Days Strategically

Setting higher calorie days can be a powerful way to make hitting your macros much easier. If there are days where you know you’ll be extra hungry due to your training or work schedule, or when you’ll be dining out or attending a social event, you can plan ahead to give yourself extra food.

If you’re on a Weight Loss goal, being in a calorie deficit and hungry every single day can make hitting your macros challenging, but setting a higher calorie day or two can give you something to look forward to and also a much needed psychological break from dieting. 


4. Make your life easier by meal-prepping and using macro hacks

Most people think of dieting and tracking macros as an extra burden, something they add on top of everything else in life. Obviously, this makes it tough to stay consistent. Instead of trying to squeeze your habits into flexible dieting, try making flexible dieting your habit! For instance, if you struggle with hitting certain macros, you can almost always find delicious macro-hacks that make it easier. You can also plan your meals and even prep them ahead of time so there’s no stressful thinking you have to do in the moment--it’s just grab-and-go with foods you know you like.

5. Accept that learning to hit your macros takes time and practice

Above all, take things one step at a time. If you’re new to tracking macros, don’t feel bad that you’re on the learning curve. The habits you’re practicing will eventually become second nature. If you’re really bad at one thing or another, make that one thing your focus for the next week or two. Let the other stuff wait, and practice hitting your protein or keeping your carbs in check. Picking one thing to work on at a time makes the process more manageable, and sets you up for long-term success.

6. If you’re really struggling, reach out to our Coaching Team at coaching@avatarnutrition.com.

***Note: If you’re on weight loss and struggling to hit your macros, click here to learn strategies to help you stay fuller, longer.