There are situations where your activity level will drastically change for a week or two. Consider these scenarios:

  • You’re going on vacation and won’t be exercising

  • You work a heavy labor job but will be taking a week off

  • You got injured or just had surgery and can’t exercise

  • You came down with a nasty illness and will be spending several days in bed

  • You’re doing a deload week or rest week and won’t be training

Since most of these situations will be temporary, we recommend putting your profile on vacation mode until your activity level returns to normal. You don’t want to feed the Avatar system information that isn’t normal for you, and you don’t want to make changes to your goals based on a situation that will only last several days to a couple weeks at the most. 

On the other hand, if you anticipate a change in your activity level that will last for more than a couple weeks or even permanently, you’ll want to change your lifestyle and/or exercise activity level and then let the system adjust your macros based on your change in weight and body fat. Even if you don’t formally change your activity level, the system will detect your change in activity level and modify your macros appropriately to keep you progressing toward your goal. 

For example, if your goal is weight loss and you stop going to the gym, you’ll likely lose less weight than expected and the system will decrease your macros. Alternatively, if your goal is reverse dieting and you exceed your weekly allowable weight gain because you stopped going to the gym, the system will detect this change in activity and freeze your macros for the next week.